Sunday, 31 August 2008


So some of you might know that when Boydo gets something into his head he pretty much does it, no matter how ridiculous it might be.
This has lead to random spontaneous decisions of 'I'm going to America next week' and the best of all his announcements 'I think I want to go to France - I've booked a flight for tomorrow'.
There's no stopping him really. I used to take his little comments with a pinch of salt, but now I proceed with caution.
I dread to think sometimes what he'll come up with next - we watched a movie last night all about vineyards. "Jill, would you kill me if I bought a vineyard?" So watch this space lol.

His most recent, and in fairness harmless mission involved him buying a map of the world. I get a phone call to work with an excited Aaron on the other end declaring he's found the best picture for our bedroom. Knowing that it's highly unlikely my opinion may matter in light of his excitement - we make the decision to go for it.
"It's a pretty big picture - is that cool?"
"Well how big is big?"
"Jill, it's going to look cool...."

So I arrive home from work to find Aaron building a frame that took up our entire living room floor.
This pretty big picture is now taking up the entire wall space on my side of the bed.
Geography was never my strong point - so it's been very educational.

I'm amazed though that at the size of the world. When the word Belfast is actually bigger on the map than Ireland is - you begin to grasp that it is a big place.
We've always talked about changing the world - but when you look at the size of it, it's pretty freaky. Where do you start?

I woke up this morning to Josie climbing on my face and Lily and her cold feet walking over my legs. But when I kicked them out of the room I stood staring at the map again.
John 3v16 came to mind - and I was blown away for a few minutes as I realised that this work of changing the world started years before.
And it started with love.

God loves the whole world.... every bit of it. The bits we don't like, the people who crack us up, the people who hate us, love us.... whatever! He loves it all.

I don't know about you, but I find it hard enough sometimes to love everyone in 'my little world' - so the truth about God's love, neverending, unchanging, unconditional means the world to a broken world.

I want with all my heart to love like that - but I know that that kind of love only comes from Love himself - God!!!



Pete said...

I remember 1st seeing the huge world map in the prayer rooms. My response was just how insignificant I felt and then wow God is interested in me and then his love for the whole world is so amazing, so deep, so big so outrageous (theosaurus = extraordinary and unconventional!!)....and that just leads me to worship. oh wow! oh wow! (clearly lyrics aren't my strong point!!!)

Anonymous said...

i fully love maps for some reason. have always had a strange fascination with them. in fact, you may have inspired me into a wee blog post about that soon!!!